Posted December 19, 2024 on Substack
I know it sounds crazy that there *might* be some benefits of having ADHD.
Or at least I’m making them benefits! Let’s find a silver lining in all this, shall we? Let’s cover the top 5 things I feel have actually made ME a better person, and they’re all because I have ADHD. It’s something, right? Let’s take wins where we can get them!
Hyperfocus Mode. If you have ADHD, you’ve been doing something your entire life that “normal” people do not and cannot do. You…have hyperfocus mode. This…is when you can drown yourself in your passions and work on them from dark till dark. You forget to eat, drink, or pee…and the next thing you know, bedtime was three hours ago. WHERE DID THE DAY GO? But oh man…and here’s my favorite phrase (that I say all the time): “I got so much done that it should be illegal!” I’m kinda kidding…but not really. Because it’s true. And the crazy thing…it’s really good work! QUALITY. If you’re passionate about quilting and you lose yourself all day doing it…awesome. If you’re out in the garage, consumed with welding new railings for your stairs…fantastic. Maybe you set up a whole new accounting system for your business. Whatever it is, the bottom line here… is you can do more in one day than a “normal” person can do in an entire week – and that’s IF they’re ambitious!! This…is truly something you can be proud of.
You…have a way with people. You’re like the confidant. The person people tend to reach out to because that’s just how you roll. Why? Because you are approachable. You can make other people feel good. You’re kind, considerate, empathetic, and sympathetic – the perfect recipe when someone needs a little nudge. You’re like the back pocket cheerleader that kinda hides behind the bleachers until you’re needed. You’ve got this weird “Spidey sense” that “normal” people don’t have because your mis-wired brain sees things others don’t see. You’re the first person to step up when someone needs help. You’re genuine – and people know this about you. You’re not perfect – and that’s actually ideal! No one wants to be friends with someone who’s perfect! You…are REAL. People like real people. Don’t you? I sure do. Embrace it. Do not ever change that about yourself, because it’s one of your best qualities.
You’re a creative thinker. Now, do not confuse “creative thinker” with “artistic”. I’m not saying ADHDers are all good at art! That’s decidedly not the case! But you have a different way of sorting things out. You think outside the box and you have a knack for uncovering different ways of doing things. You’re probably not the biggest fan of the whole “how it’s always been done” concept. The last thing you feel like doing is conforming to how the “good ol’ boys club” has been doing it since 1958. Instead, you’re thinking about how things could be more efficient! You have a hard enough time getting things done! You have ADHD and a really busy brain that runs through scenario after scenario in triple time. There has to be an easier way, and YOU…are the best person to find one! You never know when one of YOUR solutions will help mountains of people like you. Like US.
You can do ANYTHING you put your mind to. When you find your passion, or discover what you’re interested in, you can – and probably will – become an expert. You have ADHD. You’re going to research until you’re blue (yeah…that’s part of that hyperfocus mode thing.) You’re going to ask so many questions that even Google will roll its eyes. You’re going to learn the ins and outs of whatever it is you’re doing. You will knock down challenges like they’re nothing – because you’re so damn determined! NO ONE is going to stand in the way. And that’s…how you will find success! The hard part is figuring out what can bring on that much passion. But once you find it…run with it! GO GET IT. Because yes…you can. If you’re half-assing your way through life, then you need to keep looking for what makes you tick! You’re not sharing your true gifts! What if someone needs your gifts? Spoiler Alert: I’m going to tell you right now that SHARING your gift(s) with others…is what will make you feel fulfilled. We like contributing to the greater good because it feels….GOOD.
You’re the calm in the storm when it comes to emergency situations. ADHDers know anxiety. We live it, breathe it, eat it, smell it, and are forced to hear all the conversations with ourselves yammering on and on inside our heads day in and day out. But when it comes to an ACTUAL emergency, when everyone else flies into sheer panic mode, they should find an ADHDer to hang out with. We’re the most practiced individuals in the Universe when it comes to terror and panic! For many of us, that was lunchtime yesterday. Whatever’s going on…it’s just another blip on the radar! We have an uncanny ability to step back and see the big picture and how different scenarios may unfold with different solutions. That time/space continuum thing that moves at rocket speed? It SLOWS DOWN when there’s an actual emergency. We might be flying by the seat of our pants on regular days, but if the fire is headed this way…I’ll know what to do! I’ll have copies of what should be in your emergency kit handy, and believe me…there’s clothes, shoes, an axe, saw, suture kit, solar/wind-up radio, pots and pans, foil blankets, lighters, water filter straws, a deck of cards, and an array of MREs…to name a few essentials…in mine.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Benefits are in the eye of the beholder. But when you start SEEING your strengths and actually put them to good use…you’ll benefit others and feel the satisfaction of contributing. That’s priceless.
If you can think of other superpowers we have, please comment! I wanna know, and so do other ADHDers! Let’s chalk up some wins – and figure out how we can get the word out. As mentioned…it’s the SHARING thing that helps us feel fulfilled – and it’ll keep us ticking.