Justice Sensitivity

Justice sensitivity and ADHD intersect in fascinating and complex ways, influencing the emotions and behaviors of individuals who experience both. Justice sensitivity refers to heightened emotional reactions to perceived injustices, often resulting in strong feelings of anger or moral indignation. For individuals with ADHD, characterized by symptoms such as [...]

2024-09-10T10:18:07-07:00Comorbid Symptoms, Mood, Relationships, Work|Comments Off on Justice Sensitivity

Surrounded by Rebels

Thanks to Gretchen Rubin's vast research on the Four Tendencies (which includes me writing notes, and reviewing things over and over), I've been able to figure out how to deal with many of the people in my life a whole lot better.  Truly PRICELESS.  And I've shared the concept [...]

2024-09-08T14:30:18-07:00Books, Relationships, Wellness Resources|Comments Off on Surrounded by Rebels
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