DHEA Complex + Pregnenolone
by Everyday Nutrition

Harness the power of Micronized DHEA 200mg, Pregnenolone 100mg and essential vitamins and nutrients to unleash your vitality with newfound energy & mental clarity, build bone strength and optimal hormonal balance, support healthy aging. DHEA Complex acts as a catalyst, promoting better hormonal balance by replenishing essential hormones like DHEA & supporting their natural production, resulting in heightened vitality, improved energy levels and equilibrium. Its antioxidant properties help maintain aid skin health, while supporting cognitive function and wellness. Experience a sense of calm resilience against stress and improved cognitive clarity thanks to our adaptogenic DHEA blend with ashwagandha for adrenal support to fight against brain fog & stress while uplifting your outlook & mood.

Time Taken: Evenings
Dose: 2 pills (and I take 1 pill)

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Kim’s Review – I was taking my DHEA supplement, but read somewhere that it’s not good to continuously take it. So I stopped. After a couple weeks, I noticed my irritability factor was through the roof! I did NOTHING different, yet I was like Negative Nelly on the Debbie Downer Train! It was horrible! That night I took two pills – just to see what happened. I felt TREMENDOUS improvement by the next day. It’s no joke, nor was it some kind of “placebo effect.” DHEA – at this time – is something my body needs to be happy. That may change, and I’m sure my body will let me know.