Color isn’t just a visual delight.

It’s a powerful tool that can uplift your soul and spark your creativity. Each eye candy shade carries its own emotional and psychological weight, influencing your mood and even your thoughts. Feeling blue? Perhaps it’s time to embrace a splash of vibrant yellow to inject joy into your day. When creativity is the remedy for depression, let color be your arsenal in the battle against monotony and negativity. Dive into the spectrum and discover how these hues can transform your life, ignite your passions, and nurture your mental well-being.


Energy, Passion, Action

Chakra: 1st (masculine)
Location: Perineum (base of the tailbone)

Red is warm and positive, and it signified our physical needs and will to survive. It’s strong, powerful, energizing and masculine. It stimulates emotion and motivates us to jump into action. Leaders of all kinds lean toward the color red, because it brings on ambition, promotes determination, provides confidence, and solidifies one’s will power. Red is the color of physical movement, and it awakens your overall physical life force. The root chakra will give you a sense of security and safety on your journey in life.

Element: Earth
Sense: Smell
Food Type: Proteins/Meats
Stones: Garnet, Hematite, Tourmaline
Essential Oils: Vetiver, Patchouli, Sandalwood
Main Focus: Physical Existence, Grounding/Centering
Right: To Have, Joy
Positive Qualities: Stability, Vitality, Loyalty, Prosperity, Patience, Tenacity, Career Success
Malfunction: Bowel, blood/bone disorders, extreme weight issues, anxiety, spaciness, financial woes, chronic fear, materialism, instability, impulsiveness, concerns with change
Affirmations: I am grounded, safe, and secure. I make a good living doing what I love. I am stable, strong, and healthy.
Personality Types: Very active, high tempered, overly nervous or aggressive, self-centered


Joyfully Creative and Social

Chakra: 2nd (feminine)
Location: Pelvis (sacrum)

Orange rules over your emotions, creativity, sensitivity, sexuality, intimacy, emotional well-being, and self-expression. It radiates a feeling of warmth and excitement, and if you want to call in more energy from the power of orange, meditate with the affirmation “I am creative.” The sacral chakra helps you creatively deal with the outcome of your experiences, and your response will be influenced by intelligence and emotion.

Element: Water
Sense: Taste
Food Type: Liquids
Stones: Coral, Carnelian, Moonstone
Essential Oils: Jasmine, geranium, orange blossom, ylang-ylang, rose, patchouli, bergamot, clary sage, sandalwood
Main Focus: Emotions, intimacy
Right: To Feel
Positive Qualities: Joy, creativity, adaptability, sensuality, fertility, pleasure, sexuality
Malfunction: Genital issues, sexual or fertility problems, rigidity, isolation, hip or sacroiliac joint problems, dehydration, repression; tendency for laziness, guilt, and grief
Affirmations: I am creative, adaptable and sociable. I am sensual and feel sexy. I enjoy the pleasures of life. I am well-liked and a joy to be around.
Personality Types: Very active, high tempered, overly nervous or aggressive, self-centered


Bright, Powerful, and Confident

Chakra: 3rd (masculine)
Location: Solar Plexus

The solar plexus chakra governs your personal power, self-esteem, determination, and self worth. When this chakra shines, you will experience clarity, and you’ll know just what you need to do to achieve success. Yellow exudes independence, and the energy you’ll need to accomplish anything you want! If there’s something blocking your solar plexus chakra, you’ll suffer a blow to your confidence, and insecurities will start creeping in.

Element: Fire
Sense: Sight
Food Type: Carbs
Stones: Topaz, Citrine, Tiger’s Eye
Essential Oils: Basil, ginger, bergamot
Main Focus: Power and Identity
Right: To Act
Positive Qualities: Power, Confidence, Charisma, Strong Will, Humor, Leadership, Mental Clarity
Malfunction: Digestion issues, kidney or liver problems, timidity, rage, diabetes, ulcers, domination chronic fatigue, low self-esteem, fears, lack of purpose, anger, aggression, despair
Affirmations: I can do anything I set my mind to do. I am powerful and use my power wisely. I have a great sense of humor and laugh often. I am friendly, helpful, and always have the best intentions.
Personality Types: Good mentality, neatly organized thoughts, friendly, helpful, shy


Give Freely

Chakra: 4th (feminine)
Location: Heart Center

The heart chakra rules over love, compassion, and forgiveness. Green is intimately connected to your ability to love, forgive, and be kind to all beings. It’s often referred to as the bridge that connects your body, mind, and spirit. It powers the lungs and the circulatory system and when it’s blocked or out of balance, you will find it hard to relate to other people and you’ll struggle with your own internal balance.

Element: Air
Sense: Touch
Food Type: Vegetables
Stones: Jade, Emerald, Rose Quartz
Essential Oils: Rose, Benzoin, Eucalyptus
Main Focus: Love and Connection with Others, Emotions
Right: To Love
Positive Qualities: Love, trust, healing, equality, compassion, connection, surrender, love of beauty and nature, giving freely, gentle
Malfunction: Asthma, apnea, heart or lung problems, breast cancer, allergies, immune disorders, lonely, anti-social, thymus issues, selfishness, need to gain recognition, emotional
Affirmations: I am loving and lovable. I am deeply compassionate. I am a source of healing for others. I love the beauty of all beings.
Personality Types: Selfless and ability to soothe anxiety in others, bringing about gentleness and harmony.


Expressing Emotions

Chakra: 5th (masculine)
Location: Throat

Lump in your throat? That’s a blockage of the blue chakra! It regulates your ability to express yourself, and it and influences how you communicate with and represent yourself to others. It allows you be open and honest, and it helps you own and express your needs and desires eloquently. In balance, you’re also be a great listener…since that’s the other half of great communication. People take in and easily understand what you have to say.

Element: Sound/Ether (air that sound travels through)
Sense: Hearing
Food Type: Fruit
Stones: Sodalite, Celestite, Turquoise
Essential Oils: Hyssop, Clementine, Blue Chamomile
Main Focus: Self Expression, Life Purpose, Persistence
Right: To Express and Communicate
Positive Qualities: Truth, purpose, expression, artistry, service, communication, thoughtful, calming
Malfunction: Thyroid or hearing problems, teeth or gum issues, lying, tonsillitis, stiff neck or shoulders, TMJ, lack of purpose, fear of speaking, feeling “stuck”; can be moody, nervous, overly excitable, or impatient with others
Affirmations: I know my truth and I share it. I am guided by my most passionate purposes. My life is in sync with purpose and people.
Personality Types: Expressive, talkative, public speakers and communicators


Improving Intuition

Chakra: 6th (feminine)
Location: Brow Center/Third Eye

The third eye chakra governs reasoning and intuition. It’s a powerful energy source because it enhances your ability to look at the bigger picture outside yourself. It helps you find your true purpose, connects you with all beings, improves your intuition, and makes you recognize your alignment within the universe. You easily recognize “signs” and trust your intuition as you plan and accomplish the tasks needed to achieve your goals. Your desires come quickly and easily.

Element: Light
Sense: Intuition/ESP (or your “sixth sense”)
Food Type: Foods with a visual appeal (or presented beautifully)
Stones: Opal, Azurite, Lapis Lazuli
Essential Oils: Rosemary, Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang
Main Focus: Clear perspective, psychic or empathic abilities
Right: To Perceive
Positive Qualities: Visualizing, intuition, dreams, insight, perception, clairvoyance, empathy
Malfunction: Vision problems, migraines, nightmares, bi-polar disorder, sleep issues, sinus problems, hallucinations
Affirmations: I am intuitive and follow my inner guide. I always see the big picture. I always follow my dreams.
Personality Types: High sense of personal integrity and attraction to people, tactful, warm, and deeply intuitive


Connection between Spirit and Self

Chakra: 7th (unified between masculine and feminine)
Location: Crown (top of the head)

The crown governs understanding and spirituality, and determines your connection to spirit. As the highest chakra, it’s responsible for helping you create the life you love and for achieving peace and happiness. It wants you to live in harmony with everything that surrounds you, and appreciate its beauty. When this chakra is aligned, you will experience feelings of indescribable joy and bliss.

Element: Thought
Sense: None – it’s beyond the senses
Food Type: None – fasting
Stones: Diamond, Amethyst, Clear Quartz
Essential Oils: Myrrh, Violet, Frankincense
Main Focus: Connection to Spirit and Wisdom
Right: To Know
Positive Qualities: Unity, Wisdom, Awareness, Intelligence, Understanding, Miracles, Bliss
Malfunction: Alzheimer’s disease, confusion, spaciness, mental illnesses, over-analyzing/thinking, depression, apathy, learning disabilities
Affirmations: I am aware and intelligent. I am one with everything. Everything is clear.
Personality Types: Spiritual with an abundance of energy when doing something one loves

Black & White

Start with a Clean Slate


Black isn’t about death and destruction AT ALL. Instead, it’s powerful and sophisticated. It signifies elegance, mystery, and strength. While it might be associated with fear or the unknown, it also exudes confidence and authority. Black can bring a sense of depth and add a dramatic flair to any context – and anything in the foreground will stand out. Step into the spotlight instead of hiding in the shadows!

Aromatherapy: Essential oils like Patchouli, Cedarwood, and Sandalwood resonate well with the depth and Earthy grounding qualities of black. These oils are known for their grounding and balancing effects.

Precious Stones: Black Tourmaline is renowned for its protective qualities and ability to ward off negative energy. Onyx is another strong contender, often linked to strength and self-control.


White represents purity, cleanliness, and simplicity. It’s associated with light, goodness, and innocence. Psychologically, it can evoke feelings of calmness, peace, and comfort. In many cultures, white is seen as a symbol of new beginnings and is used in rites and rituals to signify a clean slate.

Aromatherapy: Essential oils such as Jasmine, Lavender, and Ylang Ylang can evoke the purity and serenity that white represents. These scents are known for their calming and uplifting properties.

Precious Stones: Clear Quartz is a versatile crystal known for its ability to amplify energy and intention, making it perfect for clarity and new beginnings. Another stone associated with white is Moonstone, which is often tied to intuition and emotional balance.

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